Saturday, 3 August 2013

Deathly Confessions

No apologies this time. It's sooner than any other updates for what? The past year? Have been. I'll try and keep them coming quicker. 

My favourite book charter ever is Death. Yep. You read that right: Death. Obviously I mean an anthropomorphic Death (i.e the grim reaper) and not simply the cessation of life. I really hate it when book characters die. Weeeell, not really; I mean the best stories are ones that change your thoughts and feelings, making you feel and breathe along with the characters, and the passing away (I hate this euphemism of death, but it's an easy distinction between Death and, well, death) of characters is often useful in achieving that goal. Anyway, that's a discussion for another day, today I want to talk to you about Death, not death. 

I first fell in love with the personification of Death in the novel 'The Book Thief'. It's brilliant and you should go read it- to quote a school project where I talked about it: "The Book Thief was the first book that broke my heart, ripped up my insides, and then blended them with crushed glass. My perspective on life was transformed."(Confession, 2013). If you're a bit of a reader, you'll know that that's actually a compliment to the book. The Book Thief is told from Death's perspective, with this lovely voice and tone. I was, of course, familiar with the concept of the grim reaper, but a Death with personality and what could almost be called emotions was a startling revelation. 

Just imagine that this is Death, not Sherlock. Or just admire Sherlock. Or both. Both is good. Talking of Sherlock. Season 3 teaser trailer means that a proper trailer is coming soon! *squeee!*
Then I read the Discworld novels. If you don't know what they are, go read this and then you are worthy to be my friend. I'm kidding, I'm happy to be friends with you anyway, it's just that it'll be easier for you to understand my life if you at least know who the most glorious and esteemed Terry Pratchett is. Anyway, back to the Death of the Discworld. He speaks ALL IN CAPITALS, is somehow hilariously comic and deathly (pun unintended until after I'd written it. Then it became very very intended indeed) serious at the same time, is at the head of a family tree (I don't really understand the technicalities either) consisting of a glorious succession of wonderful characters who have their own novels, is visible to all (or is he…?), has a friendly 'Death of Rats' as a sort-of-not-really pet, and often has very deep and philosophical thoughts (such as, 'Cats. Cats are nice.'). I know my attempts at describing his brilliance are hopelessly pathetic, but rest assured, he's brilliant! Please don't take my word for it- go and read!

I'm not really sure what to write as a conclusionary (I'm in a making-up-words type mood right now) paragraph. I guess just that it's wonderful how a character often portrayed as cold or heartless can be rewritten as something entirely different. The Death of The Book Thief is a tired and sad character, the Death of Discworld is technically still cold and heartless, yet endearingly not. Please try reading one, even if Death is not your cup of tea-The Book Thief is acclaimed for many other factors (and trust me, it deserves all the praise it can get) and the Discworld novels (and other Pratchett books) are mostly not Death-centric, and have whole hosts of other brilliant things going for them!



P.S Yes, I know it should 'technically' be 'deadly' in the title. It wouldn't be such an appropriate title though. Sorry. Not really. 
P.P.S As ever, although never previously stated by me, if any of the images used in this post (or others) are yours and you object to them being used please let us know and we'll remove them straight away :)

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Erm.... Hi?

Is there anyone still out there?
Is there anyone still out there willing to forgive us?
Yes? No?
I'm going to continue anyway, so there.

So... it's been a while hey? Let's not let this get awkward :). The reason it's been so long is a plethora of assignments ("But you're only in high-school, it can't be that bad, can it?" Yeah, you're right. 15 massive assignments at the same time really isn't that bad, is it? I mean it's not like Philosopher and I cried ourselves to sleep most nights or anything.), the most notable of which is officially called the 'Personal Project'. Generally that term is met by a variation upon: "JUST NO. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY 'PP' WITHIN A 5M RADIUS OF ME,  OR SO HELP ME GOD, I WILL SHOOT YOU. *sob, sob, sob*". Yeah. It's pretty fun. It is actually a great idea, but the implementation of it is the most ridiculous concept- Once upon a time, not too many years ago, some cruel evil sadistic IB official type person thought 'I've just had the best idea! Let's give already stressed out students a seven month assignment that in terms of the MYP certificate is worth as much as every other subject, but we won't give them any school time to work on. Hahahahahaha!"Basically the project consists of a 'product' and then a report. Students can choose almost anything, but it has to be considered hard enough to make the teachers laugh at our misery, and then we are assigned a 'supervisor' and a 'manager'. My supervisor is lovely, even if we don't quite meet the every second week we're supposed to (we've met a total of 3 times in the whole 7 months. Not that I'm complaining, I hate having someone watching my progress as I work.) and we barely ever come into contact with our manager. The product I chose was a recipe book and an accompanying party, and the report is about the process (choice of the goal, source analysis, etc). The report is 3,000 words, which is double the most we've ever been allowed/made to write before. Anyway, I'm not just going to rant about PP right now, because in a couple of months, once it's all over, I'll write about my personal project and how blurdy brilliant it is! :)

No, for now I kinda just want to ad lib (as in rant with no sense of direction) about whatever I feel like (mostly fangirly stuff). I'm not even going to include the sort of headings that I normally would in a 'write-dump' because I'm 600% done with having to do things in a set format. So there.

The ending to Doctor Who?! What was that?! Aridglugbrkgo! And then Matt Smith is leaving (admittedly, all of us who are bothered to check BBC's twitter have known that for months; but it's only now that other people are getting upset. I knew Matt Smith was leaving before tumblr went crazy. I'm such a hipster) and the 12th Doctor might be a female! I'm not sure I'd like that... Currently I'm backing the Chris Kendall team, despite knowing that there's about a 1% chance it'll actually be him. And then he'll become to mainstream and everyone (In the circles I mingle in at least) will know who he is, and he won't be Crabstickz from YouTube anymore, he'll be the 12th Doctor. Anyway, he's amazing and I love him. Also, I have the rough notes for an essay on the different personalities of the Doctors from the nuWho, which I will write these holidays! I write essays for fun because I'm cool like that. But John Hurt! What is that? Anyway, some friends and I are planning a party for the 50th anniversary and I'm so incredibly excited! I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the 50th anniversary, or the fact that I get to plan and make a whole ton of themed food! Souffle, fish fingers and custard, banana (mock) daiquiris, TARDIS cake, here I come!

Sherlock. Sherlock. Sherlock. *sob*. Why Moffat why? It won't be out until Christmas 2013 at the earliest, probably 2014 :(. Grrr. That's all I'm going to say, because otherwise it'll deteriorate into random typos made by my forehead as I weep into keyboard.

Moomintroll is awesome! It's this Finnish childrens' book series, which is actually amazingly lovely. READ IT.  I need to re-read it, and try to get over my crush on Snufkin and perhaps try not the hate the Snork-Maiden as much as I do. Seriously though, Moomintroll is too good for her! She's shallow and vain and silly and annoying and poor Snork having to put up with her! How nice is Moominmumma though? And Moominpapa! Ha! Moominpapa is wonderful!

Is not Mika one of the most absolutely wonderful musicians ever? He's wonderful. Philosopher and I often will find ourselves sitting there singing his songs in class and then will start an email to our favourite teacher filled with some of his best (and weirdest: 'Sometimes I sit and think about the day that  you're going to die') lines. Don't worry, we never sent it. Oh! On the topi of music: Alex Day is a babe. I don't mean in terms of physical appearance- definitely not my type!- but in terms of just generally being amazing. He's 24 and has practically invented a type of music distribution, almost finished writing a book (Philosopher and I will be lucky to finish our book before we're 24.), and is basically awesome. 'Good Morning Sunshine' is the ultimate happy song, and 'Wish For is You' shall be played at my wedding, whilst 'Forever Yours' is one of the cutest friendship songs.  :)

I saw something the other day that made me laugh. It was a sign saying:
"When someone says 'stop' I don't know whether it's hammer time; in the name of love; or if I should stop, collaborate and listen."
I laughed harder than it deserved. Oh! Whilst we're talking about 'Ice Ice Baby' I would just like to mention that I can rap a fair part of it from memory (as earlier mentioned, I'm really really really cool), and that Vanilla Ice (the artist) is an American who owns a pet goat and a pet Wallaroo. Why? (That was a rhetorical question)

I probably should stop now. Well done if you're still reading this. Normally I do a fair bit of editing and planning to posts, but this is literally just my train of thought and I'm not even going to bother to re-read it at the moment. Philosopher shall judge me, and I'm sure you shall as well. See if I care!

I am actually really sorry about
a) being gone for so long
b) the dodginess (It's now a word. Accept it) of this post
c) My extreme laziness

Have a good day! (Too lazy to even do a 'cutesy farewell'. *shakes head in disgust at self*)

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Confessions of a Fan-Girl

First up:
Where was this awesome baby made?
Moving on:

The terms "What is my life?" or "I have no life!" are bandied about pretty freely in the cyber-world. I do, actually, have a life -or am I a mystical robot? Actually I would still have a battery life or something similar, even if I was a robot- but it, like the lives of many victims of various corporations *cough BBC cough*, fandoms, and people *cough Moffat cough Gatiss cough*, consists of a lot of crying and 'feels'. I know these 'feels' well, as I get them daily (Literally. Daily. I will be happily chatting with my friends about tomato relish and then my darn brain will just start looping "This is my note. Always. Bad Wolf. Okay. On my own. War will make corpses of us all." And such like until my eyes are watering and the back of my throat grows tight. It's not always such a varied array of quotes, often there's simply a little gif stuck in my head of Sherlock falling or Snape Dying or Rose and The Doctor kissing or Pippin singing).
It was surprisingly hard to find a good gif for Sherlock.
I suppose no-one really wants to rewatch one of the most heartbreaking moments
over and over and over and over again.
Oh Pip.
I saw this with a friends at their place place, it was the first time I'd been to their place and then I sat on their couch and cried. Mildly awkward.

I am pretty much an ultimate fan-girl- get me in your fandom and I will steadfastly defend you, spend hours researching evidence for/against minor points, quote you daily, lose my ovaries (Gosh I hate that expression) over gifs, cry over aforementioned 'feels', and, perhaps most importantly, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Or maybe just a special place in that empty spot left after my ovaries went boom. (Unless you're Peter Jackson. 'Cause I kinda worshipped the ground under his feet (In a non idolatry condoning manner) until he decided to get all idiotic and make The Hobbit into such (a) terrible film(s). I still love him though.)
Most people would assume, being a 'fan-girl' I would have at least one, probably more, Tumblr accounts. Haha! No. I have none, I do have a Pinterest account though (Classy, I know.), but that doesn't mean I can't look at other people's Tumblr accounts dedicated to KicktheStickz or Johnlock now, does it? I read fanfiction, quote in everyday conversation, go nutty in the same way that only Chiroptera faeces can over gifs and basically I will one day die from emotional overload. 

I'm crazy as these little fellas!
I don't actually really know where I was going with this, apart from to just tell you all that it's alright: there is someone, somewhere, who feels the same way as you. I'll always be here for when your friends tease you about having no life, because, being the awesome person you are, you can prove you do, as a matter of fact, have a life: "Here listen to my heart beat" (Especially use that one on cute boys ;)). 
If crying or making turtle-waving-fangirling-omg-ican't-asdfghjkl-eek-OMG-gah-whywouldyoudothistome arms makes you happy then that's great- keep up the good work!

Anyway, I'm gonna go stop the tears this post caused with a nice warm shower, a good and a soft pillow. Goodnight all! 

P.S Google has gone really freakin' bizarre. Seriously, go click on an image in google images. Arghhh! I feel like I just found out my something is really something totally different. I can't think of a metaphor I'm so weirded out. 

P.P.S Can everyone just appreciate my use of brackets within brackets. Have fun simplifying that one and working out the variable's value.

P.P.P.S It's also possible to be an anti-fan girl. Like me and Twilight; the awfulness of Twilight is one of my favourite soap-boxes, but for now please check out this other amazing person's rant (be warned, there is not-so-nice language)

P.P.P.P.S There have been so many sad gifs that you now need some  happy ones :)

P.P.P.P.P.S This is an ironic post script apologising for all the post scripts: I'm sorry.*pause* I'm so sorry.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Philosopher's Best and Worst of 2012

HAPPY JANUARY EVERYONE! Well, the new year is well and truly here (ha, ha haaa... no? Okay) and so far we’ve had TWO EXCITING WEEKS OF 2013 in which ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF IMPORTANCE has occurred. Wow, ladies and gents. This year really has started with a bang! 

So in lieu of a recap of the last couple of weeks (because that would be even more boring than an un-edited, picture-less write-dump), I’ll treat you to some fond/ghastly memories from the last year. Behold, Philosopher’s Best and Worst of 2012!

The Mayans are either not very good at predicting the future, or history’s greatest trolls. But regardless, this apocalypse was just bad. I mean, for a start, no one actually had a clear idea of HOW the world was going to end. Do we die in flames? Are we drowned by the seas? Do overlarge venus fly traps devour us whole? We’ll never know how we were supposed to die, which means we can never brag about it. “I survived a giant venus fly trap invasion predicted centuries ago!” sounds much better than “I survived something bad that was predicted centuries ago. But I don’t know what it was supposed to be. Maybe getting biscuit crumbs in your tea? That’s pretty bad...”

I like to imagine a parallel universe in which YOLO was used for the forces of good. People would say YOLO in a vaguely comedic way when taking advantage of unique opportunities. It would be a not-too-serious way of saying ‘live in the moment!’. 

But fate had a different destiny for YOLO in mind. Instead, it became the mantra of every annoying teenager with a twitter account. And somewhere, in the dark corners of these hormone-riddled minds, YOLO evolved into a “well-reasoned” argument for any decision. This scope of decisions ranged from “I’m not gonna do my homework, because YOLO!” to “I’m gonna drink this bottle of Methylated Spirits, because YOLO!”. Yes, you certainly DO only live once, as you’re about to find out. 

There was once a middle-aged mother, struggling to come to terms with aging. As a way to express her mid-life-crisis emotions, she decided to write the world’s crappiest book series. And for a while her Twilight Saga was, indeed, the worst piece of fiction that had ever been published. 

But in 2012, another frightening entity emerged- a Twilight Mum also struggling to come to terms with her aging decided that her abomination of a Twilight fan-fiction deserved to become a book. And so the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy crawled from the twisted depths of the well of REALLY BAD IDEAS and was published. 

As it was once put to me, to be human is to strive to be better than you are. We hope to become better people, in one way or another, in the hope of creating a better world. 

But apparently the large majority of the female population FORGOT about such virtues and rushed out to buy their $30 worth of filth, destroying all faith in humanity in the process. I’m just glad that I won’t be the one who has to tell little Tommy the truth about ‘Mummy’s Special Book’.

But don’t despair, my comrades. There were many wonderful things about last year. In fact, I prefer to think of the bad things as small fungus colonies growing on a bright, tie-dyed shirt; excessively annoying, but mostly harmless (if occasionally stinky). And, more importantly, the happy tie dye prevails. Good triumphs over the evils of the mushrooms! Huzzah! Sorry, sorry. It’s late at night and my stock of good metaphors was used up writing our novel. But anyhoo, here are the brightest of the rainbow smudges on the hippy t-shirt that was 2012.

Most people think Curiosity is a cute little car-sized robot pottering around on Mars while some NASA guy fiddles with its remote control. No, my friends. This rover is a work of art. It’s fitted out with some of the most complicated and crazy technology ever devised by man. And IT HAS A LASER. Curiosity can vaporise small portions of ‘interesting surfaces’. There is, of course, a scientific point to the laser (it allows the robot to examine a rock’s elemental composition) but who cares? THE HUMAN RACE HAS SENT A LASER ROBOT TO MARS. That’s a definite win in my book.

If 50 Shades destroyed your faith in humanity, the London 2012 Olympics will almost certainly bring it back. Apart from watching hundreds of athletes running around like lunatics, the Olympics always remind us to take pride in our country. Not because our nation performs well, or because our athletes win gold. No, sirs. We humans don’t get much right. We’re incapable of accepting differences, and yet we cling to them. A difference as stupid as religion or sexuality or even skin colour can bring about a war.

But once every four years, nearly every nation in the world says ‘To hell with it all’. Once every four years, these nations come together in harmony to celebrate our differences; to celebrate each country’s triumphs, to appreciate each and every culture, and to remind us all of the power of peace. At the heart of the Olympic Games is a beautiful glimpse of what World Peace could really mean. The athletes are just incidental.

World Peace and harmony between the nations is great ’n’ all, but horse dancing and incomprehensible Korean is ever-so-slightly better. The ridiculous dancing, the foreign lyrics, the intense stare of destruction as PSY eyed off a blue-clad derriere, the multitude of spin offs (Romney style! Gandalf style! Kim-Jong style!); it was easily the biggest collective belly-laugh of the year. Only one thing can be said for the very best occurrence of 2012:
So, that was 2012. We explored other planets, we came together as one people, we pretended we were riding a horse whilst yelling disjointed syllables that may or may not be words of a foreign language. Happy new year to you all, and I hope that 2013 brings you many significant, inspiring and really weird memories. Especially the weird ones, because they’re always the best :)

Cheers, everyone!
Love from Philosopher
(And sincerest apologies to any regular readers. Although I wish I could post more regularly, I can't force myself to be inspired. My best posts come from out of the blue, and I'd rather be a bit infrequent than spout mediocre posts twice a week. Here's a Gangnam Gif to make up for it :)