Experts say that to survive physically a person needs only three things: food, water and shelter. This is true. However, I believe that one can not simply survive on food, water and shelter alone. One needs social interaction (just take Chuck and Wilson for example) and nourishment of a kind other than the physical type.
Wilson-obvious scientific proof that company is essential |
No, I'm not going to rant about religion as I know that would create controversy (the horror of anyone ever talking about religion!). Instead I'm going to tell you what I believe people need to survive both physically and emotionally (A/N I didn't say spiritually): food, water, shelter, social interaction, a form of escapism and something to sooth the soul. For me the last two manifest themselves in the form of books and tea.
Woot! Woot! C.S. Lewis! Woot! |
I've already (briefly) mentioned my love affair with books so I shan't bore you all to death with that. I will tell you instead about my passionate affair with tea:
You hear about people being 'foodies' and while I do love my food, I am more of a 'teaie'. Don't get me wrong, I love my coffee but tea holds the key to my heart.
Tea holds the key to your heart/ and all of tea plays a part... dum dum die dum die Those are the lyrics aren't they? |
If I'm with friends I'll get an iced tea or one of those weird (but strangely delicious) bubble teas.If I'm eating out with family I'll get a sophisticated herbal tea to accompany my desert. If I'm chilling at home I'll make myself some sophisticated herbal tea to accompany my book/homework/tv show/procrastination/game etc. If I'm shopping with my mum I'll get a ... well I'll get a coffee then but that's irrelevant. Basically I drink a lot of tea.
Bubble Tea Delicious but I don't want to know what's in in. |
I have a rapidly expanding tea collection and one of my favourite shopping experiences, second only to secondhand bookstore browsing, is wandering around a tea shoppe, smelling everything, trying free samples and agonising over which exorbitantly expensive tea I should purchase. I'm perfectly happy with a mug of cheap, milky, generic brand black tea but I'm perfectly blissful when I have my special tea mug (I drink tea out of a mug. Shoot me.) filled with just brewed, exotic blend herbal tea or tea made from freshly picked herbs from our veggie patch. I take it with two hands, smell it deeply, give a sigh of contented happiness and then take my first hesitant sip. Mmmmmmm......
For me, tea is the number one cure all. Whether I'm upset, excited, stressed, crying, laughing, relaxed, in love, hatin' on someone, no matter what, tea always soothes me and makes me feel better. It warms my insides, sends little shivers down my spine, gives me a contented feel in my stomach and results in a whole body relax and de-tensify. Without tea I think I would be a lot more tense, stressed and all-round emotional than I already am. So basically tea is good, no tea is bad and we should all go drink some. Right, sounds good! I'm gonna go grab a cuppa...
Oh...wait. I guess I can't really leave until I give you a word of the week, an update on my holiday plans AND a cutesy farewell. *Sigh.*
Firstly, word of the week is (dun dun dun):
noun. A great public sacrifice, originally of a hundred oxen.
figuratively. A large loss of life for some cause
Useful isn't it? At least it's better than Oolite (which was the other word I was considering)
Secondly, I have officially moved rooms! I spent my first night there last night :) but otherwise... I've written all my geography ones but that's it and I've watched maybe two Youtube videos. :( I'm doing really well aren't I?
Thirdly happy trails to you all, until we meet again :)
xx love Confession
I recently re-discovered Green Tea Icecream.... heaven in a cup/cone...mmmm