Wednesday 3 October 2012

A Woman's Philosophy

*Disclaimer* yes, I know I’m naughty, I know, I should post. Geddoverit and read.

Since I am of the female persuasion, when I reached a certain birthday milestone, people decided that I would, from that moment forth, be ‘womanly’. 

I was slightly tomboyish as a primary school student (I worshipped the colour blue, thought  pink was for ‘sissies’ and was convinced that flipping someone off meant absolutely diddly squat, because, as I constantly told people ‘It’s just a finger’), but I soon warmed up to the glories of being a girl. 

Being ‘womanly’ was not, of course, something I was expected to become overnight. You see, as a child, I had plenty of free time to muck around, play, draw on the walls, eat my mother’s lipsticks, the usual. But as I ventured into the DANGER ZONE (aka adolescence) I found that strange new entities- ‘homework’ and ‘study’ (?) - were sucking up my time like hungry vacuum cleaners. On top of this, the DANGER ZONE was also the zone of ‘womanliness’. So whilst dealing with the strange schoolwork monsters, I was also expected to find the time to study and learn the ways of the woman. Observe.

So, I embarked on my journey to womanliness, fighting off the evil forces of schoolwork as I went. But frankly, ladies and gents (but ladies in particular), it makes me wonder; WHY do we do this to ourselves? The desire to be beautiful is tempting, I admit, but a lot of these ‘womanly ways’ seem absurd. So while I have embraced many of them with open arms (wafting a delicious vanilla scent as I did so), I’ve turned a cold shoulder to many more.

Because honestly, ladies, we’re beautiful. And don’t any of you ever forget it :)

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