Saturday, 2 February 2013

Confessions of a Fan-Girl

First up:
Where was this awesome baby made?
Moving on:

The terms "What is my life?" or "I have no life!" are bandied about pretty freely in the cyber-world. I do, actually, have a life -or am I a mystical robot? Actually I would still have a battery life or something similar, even if I was a robot- but it, like the lives of many victims of various corporations *cough BBC cough*, fandoms, and people *cough Moffat cough Gatiss cough*, consists of a lot of crying and 'feels'. I know these 'feels' well, as I get them daily (Literally. Daily. I will be happily chatting with my friends about tomato relish and then my darn brain will just start looping "This is my note. Always. Bad Wolf. Okay. On my own. War will make corpses of us all." And such like until my eyes are watering and the back of my throat grows tight. It's not always such a varied array of quotes, often there's simply a little gif stuck in my head of Sherlock falling or Snape Dying or Rose and The Doctor kissing or Pippin singing).
It was surprisingly hard to find a good gif for Sherlock.
I suppose no-one really wants to rewatch one of the most heartbreaking moments
over and over and over and over again.
Oh Pip.
I saw this with a friends at their place place, it was the first time I'd been to their place and then I sat on their couch and cried. Mildly awkward.

I am pretty much an ultimate fan-girl- get me in your fandom and I will steadfastly defend you, spend hours researching evidence for/against minor points, quote you daily, lose my ovaries (Gosh I hate that expression) over gifs, cry over aforementioned 'feels', and, perhaps most importantly, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Or maybe just a special place in that empty spot left after my ovaries went boom. (Unless you're Peter Jackson. 'Cause I kinda worshipped the ground under his feet (In a non idolatry condoning manner) until he decided to get all idiotic and make The Hobbit into such (a) terrible film(s). I still love him though.)
Most people would assume, being a 'fan-girl' I would have at least one, probably more, Tumblr accounts. Haha! No. I have none, I do have a Pinterest account though (Classy, I know.), but that doesn't mean I can't look at other people's Tumblr accounts dedicated to KicktheStickz or Johnlock now, does it? I read fanfiction, quote in everyday conversation, go nutty in the same way that only Chiroptera faeces can over gifs and basically I will one day die from emotional overload. 

I'm crazy as these little fellas!
I don't actually really know where I was going with this, apart from to just tell you all that it's alright: there is someone, somewhere, who feels the same way as you. I'll always be here for when your friends tease you about having no life, because, being the awesome person you are, you can prove you do, as a matter of fact, have a life: "Here listen to my heart beat" (Especially use that one on cute boys ;)). 
If crying or making turtle-waving-fangirling-omg-ican't-asdfghjkl-eek-OMG-gah-whywouldyoudothistome arms makes you happy then that's great- keep up the good work!

Anyway, I'm gonna go stop the tears this post caused with a nice warm shower, a good and a soft pillow. Goodnight all! 

P.S Google has gone really freakin' bizarre. Seriously, go click on an image in google images. Arghhh! I feel like I just found out my something is really something totally different. I can't think of a metaphor I'm so weirded out. 

P.P.S Can everyone just appreciate my use of brackets within brackets. Have fun simplifying that one and working out the variable's value.

P.P.P.S It's also possible to be an anti-fan girl. Like me and Twilight; the awfulness of Twilight is one of my favourite soap-boxes, but for now please check out this other amazing person's rant (be warned, there is not-so-nice language)

P.P.P.P.S There have been so many sad gifs that you now need some  happy ones :)

P.P.P.P.P.S This is an ironic post script apologising for all the post scripts: I'm sorry.*pause* I'm so sorry.

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