Monday, 24 September 2012

Holiday Confessions

So... I kinda forgot I had to post today :/. As such this post is not one I'm particularly happy with both in terms of writing quality or content. I apologise. 
Have you ever had grand plans for a certain time-period? Given the period an 'official' title? 'Cos I do. I do it a lot. For example, these holidays (woot woot) are 'officially' the holidays of (in no particular order): Sherlock, Study, Socialising, Room sorting, Socialising, Youtube and Photography. I'm fairly sure I'll get all of these things less than half done and then give up (except the room. My mum will force that into completion).  In order to more correctly illustrate this point I have created a table:

So, as you can see, most of my organisational skills are centred around planning and not so much around acting. I probably should work on remedying this, but I manage to fumble my way through life as it is. However, these holidays have actually claimed a new title. That of "Holidays of actually doing the things I said I would." Yeah right. I will try, however, to achieve at least two or three of the six things I was desirous of completing. I will report on my (un)success at the end of the holidays. Be excited for ultimate failure! Yay!
Yay for failure! In reality I just had to use these guys; they're so darn cute!
Word of the Week= Ruminant:
I always thought this merely meant a contemplative person. While it does, the actual first meaning is an even-toed hoofed mammal that re-chews already partially digested cud. lovely. Examples include goats, cattle, sheep and antelopes. Now there's a useful snippet of information

Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again. (Well, actually I know. Next Monday)
Love Confession

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Mr Shakespeare: Playwright, Poet, Philosopher

Well, I might as well come clean. You see, I have a major, major crush. A bone-shatteringly, mind-blowingly stunning crush. I feel so much emotion for this lucky guy that it sometimes feels like my body is exploding.

Now there are two options as to what you're thinking right now, and they look a little something like this:

I'm going to assume that you're all in the Pathway B camp, and go right on ahead and tell you.

His name is William Shakespeare.

Okay, okay, I don't actually have a crush on the man himself (too old, too bald and too dead) but I would happily marry myself to his works. I adore them, so much it actually causes me physical pain sometimes. I know that sounds like some 'passion for language' rubbish, but it does. They can make me so full of conflicting and strange emotions that it feels as though I'm bursting (although that may have something to do with my other linked-to-Shakespeare crush. I know, I know. Two crushes at once. I'm a harlot.)

Anyway, the point is that Bill Shakespeare is wonderful... and he's not even alive. I hear what you're saying- "But Philosopher! It's too HARD to understand all that old language!"

Well say hello to NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE which is a fantabuloso way to actually understand what Mr S writes. It's pretty much a 'translation' of Ye Olde Englishy into Ye Modern Englishy.

But if that's not your style, there are HUNDREDS of Shakespeare movies out there. There's 'The Tempest' with Helen Mirren, 'Much Ado about Nothing' with Emma Thompson and 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' with Michelle Pfeiffer. But oh, oh oh, there is no Shakespeare film more breathtaking than Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet. It is a wonderful film in itself but Romeo is played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Leo-nar-do Di-freaking-Caprio. AKA an angel in male form. Narcissus without the narcissism. The wise, glorious and illustrious one.

Ahem. Well, there was something else I was planning to write, but *cough* I've lost my train of thought....
I think I'll leave you with that angelic image.... mmmmmmm.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

General Confessions ep.2 :)

It's 1:00am and I should be desperately trying to compress my science report in order to email to my home computer in order to print it in order to hand it in tomorrow later today in order to not fail science. Instead I'm going to talk to you guys. Well, not really. I'm just going to give you another 'write dump' to enjoy :)

Ok. So while I don't actually ship Snily (Snape + Lily) because it doesn't work with the book ( I can't even read HP fanfic with Fred in it without crying. I'm pathetic I know.) I do think it's kinda cute and besides, I love anything even vaguely HP related. So when I heard the Smashing Pumpkins song 'Lily (my one and only)' I was in a state of raving shock. I saw the name in iTunes and got really excited. I then played it and went ballistic. Listen to it and then look up the lyrics. It's like it was written for Snily, lyrics and everything, except of course it obviously wasn't as the song was written in 1995. I have to make sure and tell you that or else the boy I like might get annoyed with me again *sob*. 

It's cute...but never would have worked
It's a real carrot alright. Hehehe.
In-jokes are pretty awesome right? I love them. Although, if you're not 'in' on them it's a tad awkward. Now, the correct courtesy in this instance is to smile awkwardly and gaze into the distance while those who are 'in' crack up. That's just the way it is right? In-jokes aren't funny if you're not in on them. However, I have a friend (who is possibly reading this-awkward. I think you're a wonderful person but it's just really funny the way you do this.) who the moment an in-joke comes up says either (and I quote) "in-jokes aren't funny." or else "Your in-jokes aren't very funny". Well of course they're not funny if you're not in on them! How is the word 'carrot' funny in any way? It is if it has certain connotations pertaining to a particular memory between you and a friend....But otherwise NO! The whole definition of an in-joke is that it's a joke that you're 'in' on, meaning if you're not, it's not a joke. 
(P.S I love you my friend. just not in that way)

There's a complete and utter troll out there in the world of twitter. I won't mention any names but they are a complete and utter idiot who cares only about attention. They also love Justin Bieber and can apparently 'swag' pretty well (hints. You might know her *cough cough did I say her? cough* by now.). Any-who, they tweet a lot of really homophobic, idiotic, racist or otherwise politically incorrect stuff. Me and Philosopher were talking about her in geography and I've had the good fortune to not actually seen any of their really racist stuff. Philosopher was telling me about it and I was doing geography at the same time, I was angry and upset and not really focusing too hard, so I typed Pakisatan into google maps. Go back and reread that sentence. No, it's not a typo and yes, You read it correctly. Pakisatan. I typed that into google maps, whilst ranting about how stupid a racist person is. Ironic.

Anywho, my home computer has decided to crash on me :( noooooooo. Oh well. I'll hop up at 6:00 and catch the early bus to print science and geography at school. Easy! (*groan*).
Anyway, 'Stay gold Ponyboy!' 
Love Confession.

P.S Thanks 'Firejay112' ;) I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
P.P.S I've read that book (Outsiders) at multiple times and I still bawl
P.P.S Just realised I forgot a word of the week! Sorry! I can't be bothered to go back and write it in, so I'll just shove it in here:
I even took a photo of one of my pretty re-used index cards for you!

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Creeper Confessions

Darlings, I'm sorry I took so long. My computer decided to break so I had to use a school spare, which had none of my documents/files/images on it, meaningI couldn't post until I got my one back. Also, because I took so long to put this thing up, the date changed and now I have to say a huge, heartfelt Happy Birthday to Bryce Courtenay! I love you, you unfairly talented man. But not in that way. 
Now for the actual post: 

Who's the best author ever? Do I hear Shakespeare? Tolkien? Rowling? Austen(blame my friend. I don't agree)? The Bronte Sisters? Victor Hugo? All the guys who wrote the Bible? Tolstoy? WRONG! I kid, I kid. I suppose it's really just a matter of opinion and, don't get me wrong,  I absolutely love all the people in that list, but... (there's always a but) they're not the best author ever... 
Terry Pratchett is! Now, if you've never heard of him please go and die in a small, shallow, muddy, e-coli filled hole. Not really. Just read on. If you have heard of him, then you know what I'm talking about. But read on anyway.
He has written thirty-something books and is still going strong. Sadly I don't own them all, but I'm working on it. Now, normally you'd think that an author who churns out at least one book a year would be pretty average, right? Terry Pratchett is the exception that proves the rule. All his books are absolutely phenomenal, especially his Discworld series, and impossible to describe. They are full of witty humour that also makes you think. His characters are complex and loveable. I should be his agent. 
(If only I owned all these)
Anyway, you need to go and read one. Stop reading this blog, turn your computer or other reading device off, run to your nearest library, direct yourself towards the 'PR' section of adult fiction, grab the first one by him you see, sit down in the middle of the shelves and read. Just read. Ignore the weird looks from other library-goers, tell the mildly irate librarian just what they can do with their closing hours and simply enjoy one of the thirty something best books in the world. 
Now that you've finished your first Terry Pratchett book and borrowed every single other one that your library possessed, you're now back, reading this blog and thanking me for recommending these life changing books. Basically they're the best things ever. 

But (there it is again!) there's a bit of a sad side as well :(. You see, Terry is the same age as my grandfather (i.e young-old-old) but he also has Alzheimer's. Ironically the first thing he forgot was the position of the keys on the keyboards. So he now has a typist, but his books continue to abso-bally-lutely spiffing. He's pro-euthenasia and I think (but this is just my personal opinion, not fact- just assumption) that if his condition deteriorates much further he may choose that option, rather than live as a burden on his friends and family. Choose to leave on a high note, with all the good memories in clear reach. I would be most upset if that were to happen, yet I understand and would respect his decision. 
This post has deteriorated a tad since I started, gone a little bit off the rails and ended up being a cry-sesh. But overall, PLEASE go and read a Terry Pratchett book. Change your life, appreciate him for  the wonder he is (dun dun dun dun). 
For all you fellow geeks out there, word of the week is:
Being able to bear fruit or offspring. i.e fertile
Notice how I've actually chosen a word with some use this week? I mean, whats the use of knowing abulia?

Have a nice century, enjoy whatever you're doing now, read a good book and kiss a member of what ever gender you are attracted to . 
So long/farewell/auf weidershen/goodbye
love Confession

P.S Am I the only one who whenever I an emphasis on 'need' instantly think Ronald Weasley?

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

The Pixar Philosophy

I like libraries. This is partly because I like books, partly because I like having a quiet place to work and partly because they make me feel like I have some important things to get done (the reality is that I spend my "working time" in the library mucking around with the free WiFi). 

Anyway, today I had the delightful pleasure of being in a library, and the less-delightful misfortune of discovering that the WiFi didn't work. "Holy crapbiscuits!" I thought to myself. "What am I going to do?!"

I am, naturally, a creative person. However I struggled to think of something, anything to do in this library without internet access... when suddenly, in a blaze of clarity and realisation, I underwent an epiphany. 

The library I was in happened to be a bit...weird. The shelf immediately behind me had books in no apparent order, ranging from a history of the stiletto heel to an analysis of multicultural foods. But after scoping out all the nearby shelves, I found a stack of books on comics, cartoons and animations, and stumbled across this glossy beauty: 

"Pixarpedia- a complete guide to the world of Pixar... and beyond!" 

I'm a Disney/Pixar kid through and through. These are the films I grew up with, and they're dear to me- as evidenced by the stacks of memorabilia scattered around my house, including my "Toy Story Toothbrush" and giant pad of Wall-e stickers. To a kid like me, this book is pretty damn awesome. Its pages are a brightly coloured treasure trove of all things Pixar. So today's post is a nice little list of things I've learned about Pixar and their Films. 

1. They're linked to Apple, Inc. Steve Jobs originally bought the Pixar's "parent company". Yanno EVE, that weird white robot from 'Wall-e'?

Yep, that's the one!

 Notice how she looks like an iPod? That's because Johnny Ive-the senior vice-president of industrial design at Apple- designed her. Yes, it's true Ladies and Gents, Apple really are taking over the world. 

2. Woody, from Toy Story, is actually in love with the Bo Peep Doll. I had no idea (of course, it's been a while since I watched the first film). According to the book "... when Woody looks into her baby-blue eyes, he's lost for words". Deep thoughts for a plastic doll. Very deep indeed.

3. Pixar reference everything. Every Pixar movie you can think of has shout-outs to different films, shorts and characters. In Up, the ball from Luxo can be seen in a little girl's bedroom. In Monsters, Inc. Boo has a Nemo toy, and the fish mobile from the Dentist's office in Finding Nemo also features in Boo's bedroom. In Wall-e, the scooter from Ratatouille can be seen in a rubbish dump. You get the point. Watching Pixar is like going on a magic carpet ride of referencing. 

4. Pixar make fabbity-fabroozle short films. No, seriously, they're fantastic. Lots of them are silent, but don't let that put you off, because they are stunning. This one- Partly Cloudy- is probably my personal favourite.

Well, I suppose that's all from me (it's late at night and I ought to be sleeping).
Off you trot, and watch some Pixar for me!

PS: Did you notice this lady in the first scene of the film? 

Remind you of anyone? Maybe ELASTIGIRL from the Incredibles? And doesn't that baby look like Dash from the same movie? Like I said, magic carpet ride of referencing :) QED

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Confessions at Adobe Addicted Anonymous

So. I also have an adobe confession (teehee).
   While Philosopher is quite the Adobe Illustrator Artiste; I, personally, am more of a photoshop type girl. I'm actually really bad at it but I have a hell of a lot of fun creating images with no actual purpose. At least my most recent image has an actual purpose! Yay! Not really. It serves no purpose but to keep me from killing, in no particular order, my religion teacher, my classmates and myself. I, legitimately, sit there in religion photoshopping images. I have a life. Anyways, you probably do want to hear the story behind my latest image. Philosopher and I were sitting in Re (have I already said that?), which was strangely enough in an english classroom, meaning there was a poster about alliteration on the wall. We weighed up our options and decided it was way more fun to invent our own alliterations than to look up bible verses. So the fun began.... I can only actually remember two: 'Angry Aubergines' (We had aubergines on our mind, due to our adventurous forays into novel writing) and 'Demon Ducks' (I actually have no idea where that came from. Blame philosopher.) Talking of demon ducks, here's a funny photo that's not mine:

    We then forgot about alliterations and mashed the two together to create...dun...dun...dun the 'Angry Aubergine Demon Duck'. Take that! hah! I then pictured this 'Angry Aubergine Demon Duck' and felt the need to create it. So I did. Unfortunately my teacher caught me halfway through and made me shut it, I've since had tons of homework so I kind of forgot about it. However, a few nights ago I stayed up late after rediscovering it and I finished it. Now, Philosopher hasn't actually seen it yet, and doesn't know it was ever finished so we get to surprise her! Yaysies! Enjoy:

    I just realised how pathetically sad my life must seem. I sit at home/in class and photoshop eggplants and ducks together. That is what I do for fun. Gosh. I need to get out more. But abruptly changing the topic , just to add further to my slight geekiness, I've decided to have a word of the week! yay! I've tried it before but it's never really worked :(. Now, however that I get to share it with you, hopefully I'll be a tad more successful! As part of that, I'm obviously going to have to post once a week as opposed to twice one week and then once more that whole month. So now I have a steady, albeit enforced, relationship with you, my dearest darling readers (who are possibly only existent in my own head) through the power of the written word! As they say, the pen is mightier than the sword (especially long, sharp pens. I know that's a dad joke now be quiet). 
Word of the Week is:
Abulia: An absence of willpower, or an inability to act decisively, as a symptom of mental illness.
     Well, now I'm sitting here in geography, only half paying attention and I'm about to post this. 
I hope you have a good life, a sense of human compassion and a strong belief in something. 
So long and thanks for all the fish!
P.S I'm so keen to blog I have two more already to upload, but I'll wait for another week *groan*
P.P.S I was actually going to post a 'hatin' on ya celebration' for fathers day, but I decided that was bit harsh.