While Philosopher is quite the Adobe Illustrator Artiste; I, personally, am more of a photoshop type girl. I'm actually really bad at it but I have a hell of a lot of fun creating images with no actual purpose. At least my most recent image has an actual purpose! Yay! Not really. It serves no purpose but to keep me from killing, in no particular order, my religion teacher, my classmates and myself. I, legitimately, sit there in religion photoshopping images. I have a life. Anyways, you probably do want to hear the story behind my latest image. Philosopher and I were sitting in Re (have I already said that?), which was strangely enough in an english classroom, meaning there was a poster about alliteration on the wall. We weighed up our options and decided it was way more fun to invent our own alliterations than to look up bible verses. So the fun began.... I can only actually remember two: 'Angry Aubergines' (We had aubergines on our mind, due to our adventurous forays into novel writing) and 'Demon Ducks' (I actually have no idea where that came from. Blame philosopher.) Talking of demon ducks, here's a funny photo that's not mine:
We then forgot about alliterations and mashed the two together to create...dun...dun...dun the 'Angry Aubergine Demon Duck'. Take that! hah! I then pictured this 'Angry Aubergine Demon Duck' and felt the need to create it. So I did. Unfortunately my teacher caught me halfway through and made me shut it, I've since had tons of homework so I kind of forgot about it. However, a few nights ago I stayed up late after rediscovering it and I finished it. Now, Philosopher hasn't actually seen it yet, and doesn't know it was ever finished so we get to surprise her! Yaysies! Enjoy:
I just realised how pathetically sad my life must seem. I sit at home/in class and photoshop eggplants and ducks together. That is what I do for fun. Gosh. I need to get out more. But abruptly changing the topic , just to add further to my slight geekiness, I've decided to have a word of the week! yay! I've tried it before but it's never really worked :(. Now, however that I get to share it with you, hopefully I'll be a tad more successful! As part of that, I'm obviously going to have to post once a week as opposed to twice one week and then once more that whole month. So now I have a steady, albeit enforced, relationship with you, my dearest darling readers (who are possibly only existent in my own head) through the power of the written word! As they say, the pen is mightier than the sword (especially long, sharp pens. I know that's a dad joke now be quiet).
Word of the Week is:
Abulia: An absence of willpower, or an inability to act decisively, as a symptom of mental illness.
Well, now I'm sitting here in geography, only half paying attention and I'm about to post this.
I hope you have a good life, a sense of human compassion and a strong belief in something.
So long and thanks for all the fish!
P.S I'm so keen to blog I have two more already to upload, but I'll wait for another week *groan*
P.P.S I was actually going to post a 'hatin' on ya celebration' for fathers day, but I decided that was bit harsh.
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